Traveling in Wonder is not your typical travel journal turned book—it’s not even a travel guide. Instead, Traveling in Wonder: A Travel Photographer’s Tales of Wanderlust reads like a letter from Autumn to the many countries she’s visited, first as a student traveling abroad, then as a flight attendant, a travel agent, and more recently, a travel photographer.
The book is also a love letter to self - for the courage it takes to get on a plane and go, for choosing not to run away from your problems in the present, and equally, for letting ordinary days teach you more about yourself.
Traveling in Wonder is not your typical travel journal turned book—it’s not even a travel guide. Instead, Traveling in Wonder: A Travel Photographer’s Tales of Wanderlust reads like a letter from Autumn to the many countries she’s visited, first as a student traveling abroad, then as a flight attendant, a travel agent, and more recently, a travel photographer.
The book is also a love letter to self - for the courage it takes to get on a plane and go, for choosing not to run away from your problems in the present, and equally, for letting ordinary days teach you more about yourself.